Author: Carolyn Anderson

Quilting Tools for Easy Quilting

What quilting tools do you absolutely need to start quilting? Honestly, you really only need a good pair of scissors. You could make a totally hand-stitched and hand-quilted masterpiece.

And you could also get frustrated in the process.quilting

With the addition of a few tools, you can make your quilting life many times easier. You’ll be able to piece faster and with more accuracy. Which will lead to more finished projects.

Best of all, you really do not need to buy the whole quilt shop, though you may be tempted. Hmmm… Or is that just me? Uh, sorry. Ready?

Let’s start off with a sewing machine . You just need a basic machine that sews straight. I piece and quilt on a 3/4 size machine I nicknamed Big Blue.

Big Blue works great. It has a straight stitch, a zigzag stitch and can sew through denim. It’s small enough to be portable. It does everything I need it to do.

That point is that you can start with any basic machine. Ask around. You will probably find someone who is not using their sewing machine. Ask if you can borrow it.

Don’t worry about getting a top of the line model now. You can always buy an expensive machine if you fall in love with quilting.

Are you looking for more information on how to choose first machine? Here are my top five tips.

The only attachment that I consider a must have is a walking foot. It is an attachment to your machine that makes it easier to machine quilt.

I did not last long without this attachment. It may have cost a third of what my parents paid for my sewing machine, but it was worth it.

If you don’t get a walking foot, you can still finish your quilt by tying or hand-quilting. Tying is quick and works well with some quilt patterns. You could try to machine quilt without a special foot, but it could be frustrating. quilted christmas ornaments

To cut your fabric, you will need a rotary cutter, self-healing mat and quilting ruler. These quilting tools work together to accurately cut strips of fabric. You may be thinking “what’s the big deal?”

These cut strips are then pieced together and sub-cut in blocks to make patterns without templates. They are definitely needed if want to finish projects quick and in a hurry .

There are, of course, more quilting tools out there. These are just the ones that I use on a regular basis with all my quilts. More about Quilting and Singer Sewing Machines

A Quilters Life

A Day In a Quilters Life
I didn’t even walk into my sewing room yesterday. Usually not a good indicator of my mental health status for the day. But yesterday turned out alright. In the morning we did some shopping around town and at the Farmer’s Market. We even splurged and bought a mixed berry pie from the Mennonite booth. Can you believe that we got a day old pie for just $5! Regular price it was only $9. Wow, was it good. In the afternoon I helped Parker clean his room.Quilting Fun Actually I bribed him with a new Hot Wheels car if he did a good job, with my help. He had an entire tall kitchen garbage bag full of trash and junk in his room, mostly on the floor! Most of it he didn’t even know he had. I had to be sneaky though to throw so much stuff away. I would make a pile and tell him to take this to the playroom, then while he was gone I stuffed things in the trash bag. He did pull out one item later, a tamborine made in school last year out of two paper plates and some beans. We’ll see how long his room stays clean. In my seven years as a parent, I have learned that you can not force your organizational style on your child. (You can’t force it on your husband either)

I did get to do a little cross stitch in the evening while watching a bit of TV. For the past few years I have been making ornaments for my nieces, nephews and close friends of the family kids. This year I have 12 to make, including Parker.

Let me give you a little background on this practice. Growing up my Aunt Sue would send my sister and me an ornament every year for Christmas.Quilted Christmas Ornaments Usually we got to open them on Christmas Eve which is certainly one of the reasons I looked forward to getting one every year. Now that I’m old, every Christmas I love pulling out all the ornaments and remembering when I got them, who gave them to me, etc… For the past couple years Parker has been old enough to help me decorate the tree. While we do this I tell him about the ornaments and who gave them to me or where I got them. It has been so much fun that I want him to have that opportunity someday, as well as the other children I make ornaments for.

I guess the most important thing though is that I enjoy making them. I’ve just started so their isn’t much to show yet. When I get one done, I’ll post a photo. For now I’ll post a photo of my most recent favorite quilt. I finished it in April 2008. I actually never planned to finish the quilt. I took a class at my local quilt shop to learn a new paper piecing technique. The worst part of paper piecing is pulling all the paper off afterwards.quilted christmas ornaments With this technique, you don’t actually sew to the paper but you get the same level of accuracy. I had such a great time doing it that I went ahead and made all the blocks for the pattern we were using but I set them in a different way. Usually, my favorite quilt is the one I am currently working on. This one will be a favorite for a while though. Originally, I thought I’d give it away, but after I was done I couldn’t part with it.
Here’s a couple detail shots. I always love to see the quilting up close so I thought you might too. See more on pinterest

Sewing is not just a hobby, it’s a passion

If you are new to the world of sewing, let me be the first to welcome you! Sewing is a great hobby and one that you will truly enjoy. If you want to develop your new sewing hobby, then chances are you are going to want to purchase a sewing machine.Before you head out to purchase a machine.

However, allow me to give you a little background knowledge and history about the different types of sewing machines that are available.

Mechanical Sewing Machines. Mechanical sewing machines were the first type of machines on the market. These machines are operated with a spring loaded cam, which is pushed and pulled by the user to create stitches. These types of machines came in a variety of styles, including simple straight stitches to zigzag stitches. While mechanical sewing machines are not as common as they once were, they can still be used today and are ideal for simply sewing tasks, such as sewing rips, creating hems and for creating basic stitches in garments.Singer Sewing Machines

Electronic Sewing Machines. The electronic sewing machine followed the mechanical version. These sewing machines made the task of sewing much simpler, as they use electricity, rather than physical power, to operate the machine. Electronic sewing machines not only made the task of sewing easier, but it also made it much more accurate, as the user would be able to tell with greater accuracy where the needle would go through the fabric. These sewing machines are better suited for tougher sewing jobs, like piping and topstitiching. These machines are still popular are often used today.

Computer Sewing Machines. With the advent of the computer, just as virtually everything else has become computerized, so too, has the sewing machines. Computer sewing machines are very similar to the electronic version, except they are outfitted with computer memory. Computer sewing machines have the ability to accept new information, such as different types of stitches, because they are outfitted with the ability to read computer language.

That is, computer sewing machines can read memory cards that contain sewing information on them and process the information to create new stitches, etc. These machines are certainly much more easy to use, as they are extremely accurate and boast LCD or LED screens that enable you to view the type of design you are going to create; however, they also tend to be far more expensive than the mechanical and electric sewing machines.

Sergers. Of course, I can’t discuss the different types of machines that are out there without touching base on the serger. A serger is a machine that help to touch up your sewing projects, giving them a finished look. Sergers cut the edges of the material you have sewn, given the project a much more professional look.

There are basic sergers that can handle basic, sturdy fabrics like cotton, and there are more complex surgers that are intended for use with more delicate materials, like lace and satin. You can either purchase a separate surger, or, to save space and make the process of sewing all the more easier, you can purchase a sewing machine that is outfitted with a serger. Again, when shopping for this type of tool, keep your needs and your budget in mind.sewing and quilting machines

With this knowledge in mind, you can make the process of shopping for a sewing machine less daunting and more successful. With the right sewing machine, you will be on your want to creating clothing, draperies, crafts and many other types of garments with ease. I do hope that you find this information helpful! Happy sewing!